News about Russia for Teens

Writer Linor Goralik has launched a weekly podcast News-26 in which she talks about what she thinks is important news from and about Russia that you wouldn't always ask an adult you know

"These are times when there's really important news every week and it's hard for me to choose what to tell you. And this is also the first edition of News 26, and I'm certainly nervous. Still, talking to you, twelve- or fourteen-year-olds, even about very complicated things, seems important to me first of all because you have a right to know what is happening in the country; secondly, because this news reaches you anyway, and talking about it directly and openly seems a good idea to me; and thirdly, because not everyone can ask adults about such things.”

The first issue features Kremenchug, foreign agents, closure of theatres, patriotism lessons about to be introduced in schools, and one invention by a Russian schoolboy.

There are plans to expand the project to a daily news program, but the author is looking for partners and sponsors for that.

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