How to Fight War Peacefully

"The Pacifist's Dispatch" brings together opponents of war and organises thematic seminars
How not to feed the war economy by staying in Russia, how to fight propaganda in clever ways, how not to get disillusioned with the anti-war movement and continue to act? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in the "Pacifist's Dispatch" telegram channel, which organizes thematic  Zoom meetings and after publishes materials in the channel based on these discussions.

"Don't argue with relatives and state propaganda. In both cases you will lose. Propaganda doesn't hide information. It structures it. It creates a story with its characters and roles. One of these characters is you, the "traitor". Your role: to refute what the "honest patriots", the propagandists, are saying. When you come to your relatives/neighbours/friends with your "truth", they are already ready and waiting. And, of course, they already know how to respond to you. Don't try to persuade, but do: create alternative sources of information and demonstrate alternative behaviour. Don't be a character in someone else's play. Break the script. Don't do what is expected of you."

A website and youtube channel will soon be added to the telegram channel, and the creators of The Pacifist's Dispatch invite readers to participate in creating content for these new media.

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