Talking About War in Russian

The second issue of ROAR, the Russian Opposition Opposition Culture Report, has been published.
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The first issue of ROAR (Russian Oppositional Arts Review) was published on April 24th, two months after Russia started its war against Ukraine, and has collected texts and other "artifacts of contemporary Russian-speaking culture, from poems to scores, from articles to great prose, from objects of web design to art productions, graffiti and videos — confronting the "official" culture, which is loyal, servile if not merging with the most extreme state propaganda that serves the current criminal Russian authorities".

Among the authors of the second issue in the Poetry section are Alexander Skidan, Andrey Gritsman, Vera Pavlova, Inna Kulishova, Konstantin Rubakhin, Lev Oborin, Mikhail Sukhotin, Polina Barskova, Rostislav Yartsev and Roman Leibov. The authors of Prose and Dramaturgy include Mikhail Kaluzhsky, Lada Miller, Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Haim Sokol, and the Essays section includes texts by Polina Zherebtsova, Olga Rosenblum, and Valery Panyushkin, Egana Jabbarova, Semyon Dovzhik. Art section features Katika, Aidar Bekchintayev, Gali-Dana Singer, Katya Margolis, Yulia Semchenko, and the Sound section — Iraida Yusupova, Roman Stolyar, Andrey Goncharenko, Ruslan Sayn.

Every issue of ROAR is published in at least two languages: a full Russian version and an English-language digest. The editors are always ready to cooperate with those who would like to make ROAR digests in other languages.

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