Antijob, a Project Against Political Pressure in the Workplace

Legal assistance to Russian employees who are forced to speak out for the war
Who is the Organizer
“The Anti-War Fund” public initiative
Who Can Get Help
Russians who are being forced to speak out in favor of the war with Ukraine by their employers
How to Get Involved
Make a donation

“If at work you are forced to support the ‘special operation’ (sign letters, go to demonstrations, publish on social media), if you are threatened with dismissal for participating in protests, posts or just talking to your colleagues about the war — do not be silent about it, tell us. We will keep your anonymity and try to help. Remember, any kind of political pressure in the workplace is against the law”.

One can get in touch with the founders of the project in case of labor law violations related to the expression of an anti-war position. The project provides legal and psychological assistance in case of persecution.

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